nord stage 4

program file decoder for Mac OS

Revision History

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Version Released Notes
1.11 2025-02-03
Added synth pan
1.10 2025-02-03
Increased the number of decoded piano samples from less than 40 to more than 290, and also added synth KB sync, KB hold, and KB hold exclude
1.9 2025-01-21
Simplified the installation procedure for Windows (with no impact to Mac OS) by eliminating the dependence on the unix xxd utility
1.8 2024-10-19
Previously, ns4decode would get stuck when decoding a whole backup-folder and redirecting the output to a file (useful when decoding only selected parameters) because the user would never see the question "Do you want to decode them all (y/n)?" and ns4decode would not proceed without an answer. Fixed by extending the scope of the option --askfirst off to bypass that question.
1.7 2024-10-12
Fixed interpretation of RES/FREQ HP when filter type = LP+HP
Now the raw integer value is also shown next to "not decoded" (instead of just "not decoded") when a parameter is not interpreted because of a file-version mismatch
1.6 2024-10-05
Added user preferences file (called preferences.txt, in the same folder with
Fixed bug in --helpwith notdecoded
Added error trap for index-out-of-bounds when user specifies which parameters to decode
Added ability to decode Live files (ns4l) by treating them the same as regular Program files
Added an error trap for when user specifies a parameter that one of the given files does not contain (example: ns4decode -y 74 *.nspn throws an error because piano Preset files don't have synth parameters)
Didn't increment version number
1.5 2024-10-02
Added ability to decode Preset files (ns4o, ns4n, ns4y)
Now the whole-folder feature introduced in version 1.2 finds and decodes all Program and Preset files
1.4 2024-09-30
Added arpeggiator parameters
Improved how differences between ns4p file versions are handled
Clarified the names of two parameters
Reorganized the help text to make some topics shorter and to make the list of topics easier to navigate
1.3 2024-09-24
Added a parameter: FX delay tempo MST CLK on/off
Fixed interpretations of FX mod 1 rate and FX delay tempo when MST CLK is on
1.2 2024-09-23
New feature: if you want to decode all of the Program files in a folder (and its subfolders, etc), you can drag-and-drop the whole folder into the Terminal window and ns4decode will find the files for you. See the usage instructions for details.
1.1 2024-09-22
Added ns4decode version number to the _master.csv output file (because this could be useful for troubleshooting)
1.0 2024-09-21
Initial release